• Ladies Golf Report week ending 22nd Sept 2024

  • A Full and Successful Week of Golf


    The week started with Sue Crow, Susan Kinloch, Marg Knapp and Patsy Smiles winning the Riverview Bowl played over two days at Cobram Barooga GC.  A fantastic result as they beat Melbourne clubs Peninsular Kingswood and Kingston Heath.  Susan Kinloch also won C Grade as well as the small teams.  Well done ladies for representing Mansfield so successfully.

    For a Tuesday competition we had one of our biggest fields of 17 ladies for the Par competition.  We also welcomed Sandra Lording playing in her first competition and Julie Lillie playing her first game.  Lyn Poulson was on form winning with +2 from Sharon Gysberts +1 on a countback from Linda Brook.  Line balls to Jenny Koraus on square, Sue Parsons -1 and Shirley Nolan -2 on a countback.  Nearest the pins were Linda Brook on 3 and 7 and Sandra Lording on 9.  Well done Sandra.

    Wednesday was Stableford and the start of the Premier League competition.  A great field of 30 ladies began the battle over 10 weeks to help their team win the Premier League.

    To start with A grade was one by Sue Parsons 34 followed by Lyn Holland 33 on a countback from Sue Crow.  Tracey Gravenall was the outstanding player of the day winning B Grade with a terrific 40 points.  What will that do to your handicap Tracey?  Shirley Nolan was second on 34 and third Shelly Comerford 32 on a countback.  Lines balls to Anne Blampied, Sharon Gysberts and Lesley Anderson all on 32 and Kirsten Scudamore 31.  Nearest the pins were Robyn Baker, Gayle Wells, Jenny Koraus, Marg Knapp, Sam Bailey and Sheryl Sargent.

    The winning teams in the Premier League were TAGM, Lassy’s, Chocolate Box, Stingers and Fantastic Fore had a Bye.

    A number of ladies played in the Scramble on Thursday.  No wins but a great day by all accounts.

    To end the week on Saturday, the Monthly Medal was played sponsored by Sports First.  A fantastic result for Sharon Gysberts to win her second consecutive Medal.  Congratulations Sharon and another one whose handicap may see some changes.

    With 22 ladies we had two grades.  A Grade was won by Sheryl Sargent 76 from Millie Cumming 77 on a countback to Gayle Wells.  B Grade was of course won by Sharon Gysberts 73 from Jenny Koraus 74 and Shirley Nolan 75.  Line ball to Susan Kinloch 76 and Gayle Wells had the nearest the pin on 16th.

    Next Wednesday as a challenge we are playing Stableford off the white tees.  Also don’t forget to support the great day on Saturday which the Club has organised for Grand Final day.

    Good hitting ladies.